From Single Components to
Turnkey Projects.
Cutting the cost of repair and refurbishment.
Corrocoat’s field of expertise extends to the repair and refurbishment of a wide range of ancillary components for a wide range of process applications. With more than 70 different coatings in everyday use – plus a growing number of these ‘specials’ developed and tailored to combat corrosion / erosion / cavitation attack in very specific environments – Corrocoat offers solutions backed up by the technologies of polymer chemistry, metallurgy, corrosion science and solid engineering expertise.
Steel Industry: Heat exchanger- Water chamber. Refurbishment and protection

Specialist composite and structural coatings combined with engineering techniques

Coating material: Corroglas 600 Series
Pipe flange refurbishment (Φ1600)
Reinforcement: Stailess steel flange plate mounting + coating

Metal corrosion prevention (insulating). Corroglas 600S

One Point
Focusing on quality, Corrocoat’s refurbishment and protection techniques are a proven and cost effective weapon, allowing the company to win the war against corrosion. Click below for our extensive track record.