Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | A low viscosity two-pack epoxy resin for use with reinforcing materials for laminating and construction. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | As a laminating resin, used in conjunction with multi directional roving or other reinforcing materials. Corrocoat Epoxy Laminating Resin may be overcoated with any of the Plasmet or Corrocoat Epoxy products. |
Not applicable | ||
Surcface preparation | Can be applied directly on to correctly prepared steel substrates, grit blasted to ISO 8501-1 SA 2½ or equivalent standard. It may also be applied over other Corrocoat epoxy products. | SDS |
Use applications
Coating method
*There are more coating materials but we listed de most common use.
Corrocoat LSP1
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | A two component polymeric primer system | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | As a primer to promote adhesion of thermoset resins to rubber surfaces and vice-versa, improving bonding between rubber substances and vinyl/polyester ester/epoxy coating systems. It also improves bonding of vinyl/polyester systems to damp concrete. |
200 - 300 microns | ||
Surcface preparation | Corrocoat LSP1 should be applied to rubber surfaces that have been Sweep Blast cleaned. | SDS |
Corrocoat Biofoul
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
room temperature
room temperature
Product type | Unsaturated ester hydrolysable resin containing metallic copper particles and pigmentation. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | For use as a non-toxic, long life anti-foul over Polyglass corrosion barrier systems. | 250-400 microns | ||
Surcface preparation | On metallic surfaces, Corrocoat Biofoul should be applied over the top of a suitable corrosion barrier which has been correctly applied on a prepared substrate. Corrocoat Biofoul can also be applied to GRP, concrete and wood with suitable surface preparation. | SDS |
Corrocoat Fibercoat
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | A glass fibre reinforced vinyl ester glass-flake lining. This product is a high performance vinylester lining containing both glassfibre and glassflake. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | As a rehabilitation and high performance lining for thinned/ corroded pipes and where additional tensile properties are required, Corrocoat Fibrecoat may be applied in single or multiple layers at up to 3000 microns per coat. | Greater than 3000 microns dependent upon duty and environment. This material is a barrier coating and the thickness needed is dependent upon service conditions and the existing condition of the substrate. |
Surcface preparation | Metals: The surface must be decontaminated, degreased and loose materials removed from the surface. Where possible and for optimum performance, grit blast to ISO standard 8501-1 Sa 2½ or equivalent. | SDS |
Corrocoat ZIP-E
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | A two part epoxy glass flake coating designed for single coat application | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | Excellent protection for aggressive atmospheric conditions and moderate immersion environments, with good edge coverage and cosmetic appearance. Ideal for structural steel, pilings, decks, vessel externals and marine environments. |
Zip E is normally applied to achieve DFT’s of 200 to 1,000 microns |
Surcface preparation | Metals: For best results Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ standard or equivalent. Zip E can also be applied to mechanically prepared or water blasted surfaces or were Plasmet ZF has been used as a primer. Concrete: Priming is required, use Plasmet ECP as the primer. | SDS |
Corrocoat Armagel
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | An abrasion resistant vinyl ester co-polymer containing glass flake and silicon carbide. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | Immersed environments where good resistance to chemical attack combined with resistance to abrasion are required. Pipes, shutes, process tanks, etc. |
750 and 2500 microns Primer 500 microns (Polyglass VE). |
Surcface preparation | Metals: Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ near 3 standard or equivalent. Concrete: See Corrocoat Surface Specification SP5. | SDS |
Corrocoat Heatblocka
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | Two pack cold cured high build insulating coating. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | As a durable coating in areas which require both insulation and corrosion protection |
Between 2000 - 6000 microns dependent upon duty and environment |
Surcface preparation | Metals: for best results abrasive blast to ISO standard 8501-1 Sa 2½ or equivalent. For non-immersed environments Heatblocka may be applied over a surface which has been well prepared by wire brushing or needle gunning. Concrete: Refer to Corrocoat SP5. | SDS |
Corrocoat Corrofill VE
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | A two-pack, vinyl ester filler and grouting material containing abrasionresistant fillers. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | As a pit filler or grout for badly pitted steel or other applications that require a high performance, chemically resistant coating system. | The material may be applied at DFT’s of up to 6mm but this thickness should not be exceeded in a single coat. | ||
Surcface preparation | The surface to be coated should be free from grease etc. Metal should be grit blasted to a minimum ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ near 3 or equivalent. All blast residues must be removed by sweeping or blowing clean and vacuuming where necessary. | SDS |
Corrocoat Cothane XT
Product information | Coating method | Temperature limit | ||
Application |
Product type | A three pack cold cured vinyl ester/urethane polymer alloy with glass flake. | Recommended DFT | ||
Description | Developed for coating steel and concrete for immersed and nonimmersed applications where high temperature and chemical resistance are required. | Between 400 microns and 3mm dependent upon environment. | ||
Surcface preparation | Metals: Grit blast to ISO 8501-1 SA 2½ or equivalent and vacuum clean,refer to Corrocoat Data Sheet SP1. | SDS |